9A comic-book artist meets a woman on the NY streets, but after a quick flirtation, she suddenly collapses, and is picked-up by an old ambulance. He -
521美国政府制定一项计划,拟花费七十亿美元,建造一台可以提供时空旅行的机器。一位参议员被国会派去检查该项目进展情况,以决定政府是否继续资助这计划。由于项目的进展令议员很失望,因而项目负责人之一托尼决定以身涉险,使用“时光隧道”进行了一次短途的时光履行,回到了过去,以证明该装置的效能。 [集 -
7At 86, writer Robert Caro is working to complete the final volume of his masterpiece, “The Lyndon Johnson Years“; its editor Robert Gottlieb, 91, wa -
13科瓦斯基(Barry Newman 巴里•纽曼 饰)曾是赛车手、警察和特技演员,如今在一家汽车服务公司工作。某晚他准备将一辆道奇“白色挑战者”从科罗拉多送往三藩市。出发当夜,他和一个老友打赌,约定在第二天下午的3点从三藩市打来电话。这也就意味着他必须在15个小时之内到达目的地,而车速则要保持在1 -
乔·皮克特 第一季
14Follows a game warden and his family during a changing political and socioeconomic climate in a small rural town. -
5A developmentally delayed 40 year old man named Shonzi is sent to live with his brother Todd. But when Shonzi develops a crush on Todd's new gir