It showcases the story behind the first Black Barbie. It started with the filmmaker's 83-year old aunt, Beulah Mae Mitchell and a seemingly simple
It showcases the story behind the first Black Barbie. It started with the filmmaker's 83-year old aunt, Beulah Mae Mitchell and a seemingly simple que
289In 2016 filmmaker/photographer Pete McBride and writer Kevin Fedarko set out on a 750-mile journey on foot through the entire length of the Grand Cany -
534地球上一直存在着一个黑暗的地下世界。那里,两大种族――吸血鬼和狼人――在斗得你死我活,每一方都以消灭对方种族为最终目标。 一次,吸血鬼族的“月神”西丽妮(凯特?贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)在追杀几个落败的狼人时发现,狼人正在密谋绑架人类的一名医生麦克尔 (斯科特?斯比德曼 Sco -
54影片由派格执导,博尔利将饰演山姆,他是一位帅气、有趣、神经质、聪明的同性恋,他在高中时便出柜,在一个密苏里州的小镇,这需要很大的勇气。Terho饰演哈利,两人在情人节那天一起开车前往朋友的订婚派对,当山姆得知哈利已经出柜了,两人又被迫在路边的汽车旅馆过夜,这是否会激起火花? -
5展示。故事讲述了在越战的最后几天,北越节节胜利,而南越却面临崩溃。美国不得不面对这样一个道德困境。——是服从白宫的命令只带美国公民出境,还是冒着被指控叛国的风险尽可能多地保留南越盟友。越战的最后几天,北越节节胜利,南越面临崩溃,主义的胜利是必然的。美国外交官和军事人员被指示撤退,但他们也意识到,他们 -
An oddball couple of private detectives meijubar.net named Luella Shakespeare and Frank Hathaway investigate crime in Stratford-upon-Avon.
An oddball couple of private detectives named Luella Shakespeare and Frank Hathaway investigate crime in Stratford-upon-Avon.