超能敢死队:冰封之城 2024
120神秘怪物突袭,整个纽约城被冰封。新生代超能敢死队来到位于纽约市消防局的敢死队总部基地,在初代敢死队成员的帮助下重拾经典装备,拯救危在旦夕的城市。 -
Detective Hannah Laing, who joins forces with maverick detective Billy Murdoch in a desperate bid to protect her son Christian.
7Pierre is a famous writer and explorer. But one drunken night, a terrible fall leaves him in a coma. When he wakes up, barely standing up and agains -
8Last at the Festival with 2017’s rural noir Dark River, a selection in the Platform programme, writer-director Clio Barnard returns to the Bradford, -
7A deadbeat dad, an insurance scammer, and an MMA coach must avenge their Kung Fu master's death but first - they need to call in sick at their 9 -
9米兰 的车间主任阿尔伯托·索迪;s汽车厂,打算休假半个月回西西里老家。临走前,他的老板让他带一份礼物给西西里的黑手党头目文森佐。当尼奥和他的妻子玛尔塔踏上家乡的土地时,他们非常激动。他把他的大家庭介绍给他的妻子。那些老朋友有的被枪杀了,有的进了监狱,还有少数人因为背叛了朋友,成了村民眼中的行尸走肉。