• 美人鱼旅馆

  • 主演:莉奥诺拉·法妮 吕克·米朗德 弗朗西斯科·拉瓦尔 Jole Fierro 何塞·马里亚·普拉达 Lidia Biondi 马克西莫·巴尔韦德 Francesco Impeciati Luigi De Santis Carlo Totti Maria D'Alessandro Arnaldo Caivano Diala Caruso Wolfango Soldati 
  • 状态:HD
  • 导演:弗朗切斯科·博里尼
  • 类型:恐怖
  • 简介:  Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is a bit muddled, but no less engrossing.  Set in a family hotel in Northern Italy in 1945, the film concerns Rosa (Leonora Fani), who helps her mother run the hotel while awaiting her soldier father's return from the front. In a Barilli film, nothing is as it seems, and before long Mom (who is sleeping with a traitor she's hidden in the attic) is murdered. Then poor Rosa is raped by two of the guests, who also are murdered, and while she's hiding the bodies she is forced into an orgy by all of the other guests. But before the guests get to far a mysterious man enters all shots the guests. Who is this mysterious man and what are his intentions for Rosa?  Like all the best gialli, Pensione Paura completely dispenses with logic early on, elevating weirdness to nearly operatic levels while absorbing the viewer in a thick and spellbinding atmosphere of mounting dread. Francisco Rabal co-stars with Luc Merenda, Lidia Biondi, and Jose Maria Prada.


  • 6.0地狱洞正片
  • 9.0逃出生天 2023正片
  • 3.0谵妄1987HD
  • 4.0杀手密码HD
  • 5.0玛克辛抢先版
  • 10.0一定要抓住正片
  • 4.0长腿HD
  • 1.0灰姑娘游戏第45集



知乎网友:  Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY I


百度知道网友:主演有 莉奥诺拉·法妮,吕克·米朗德,弗朗西斯科·拉瓦尔,Jole Fierro,何塞·马里亚·普拉达,Lidia Biondi,马克西莫·巴尔韦德,Francesco Impeciati,Luigi De Santis,Carlo Totti,Maria D'Alessandro,Arnaldo Caivano,Diala Caruso,Wolfango Soldati







时光网网友:生活的下一页总是未知的,但我们仍要翻开下一页,而有一种真挚的东西是永存的,时间无法使它停止。塞纳河畔的夜色,化成极尽温柔的抚慰,是即使受伤也要自由追寻的灵魂。 “会有别人眼中的我们,那些碎片,我们曾以为瞥见的,我们的碎片,会由我们的梦来滋养,我们从来都不是相同的,每一次,我们都只是外来者,是夜旅人,是他们的想象,就像被留在房间里的旧镜子上的,那些脆弱的阴影。”

猫眼电影网:一口气看完了 我真的真的无比震撼 特别是后面 看完真的久久不能平复我的心情,因为女主的伟大,无私,高尚,善良 这已经不是一个好字能,形容的了,女主代表着那个落魄年代卑微生活的女人们的一道光芒,是勇于对抗男性枷锁和社会险恶的新势力,我真的没法用什么词来形容我现在看完的震撼了
