• STAY Zaka...我会想你的

  • 主演:桑尼·苏瓦美塔农 素帕莎·他那差 提顶·玛哈由踏纳 披纳若·苏潘平佑 
  • 状态:第04集
  • 导演:颂裕·素玛戈南
  • 类型:马泰泰剧
  • 简介:Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan, with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga, Japan. But in the end, Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself b... (展开全部)   Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan, with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga, Japan. But in the end, Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself because suddenly, her best friend decides to ditch her.



1.《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》讲述的是什么故事?

知乎网友:Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream a

2.《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》的主演有谁?

百度知道网友:主演有 桑尼·苏瓦美塔农,素帕莎·他那差,提顶·玛哈由踏纳,披纳若·苏潘平佑

3.《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》是什么时侯播出的呢?


4.手机在哪里可以看《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》呢?


5.《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》精彩短评

豆瓣网友:见过爱情很多种样子,有《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》带来的混乱与跨越时间留下的衷心,有荷西三毛般细水长流的宠爱与柔情,有张爱玲式不堪一击的一见倾心;有一往情深的暗恋,有长厢厮守的陪伴,有无疾而终的怀念……

时光网网友:生活的下一页总是未知的,但我们仍要翻开下一页,而有一种真挚的东西是永存的,时间无法使它停止。塞纳河畔的夜色,化成极尽温柔的抚慰,是即使受伤也要自由追寻的灵魂。 “会有别人眼中的我们,那些碎片,我们曾以为瞥见的,我们的碎片,会由我们的梦来滋养,我们从来都不是相同的,每一次,我们都只是外来者,是夜旅人,是他们的想象,就像被留在房间里的旧镜子上的,那些脆弱的阴影。”

猫眼电影网:一口气看完了 我真的真的无比震撼 特别是后面 看完真的久久不能平复我的心情,因为女主的伟大,无私,高尚,善良 这已经不是一个好字能,形容的了,女主代表着那个落魄年代卑微生活的女人们的一道光芒,是勇于对抗男性枷锁和社会险恶的新势力,我真的没法用什么词来形容我现在看完的震撼了

豆瓣柏邦妮:《STAY Zaka...我会想你的》是很简单的故事,但是很丰富。特别简单的故事,讲得荡气回肠。感受特别深,非常值得一看。