1019传说中,鹈鹕会啄破自己的胸膛,用鲜血滋养饥饿的幼鸟。身为驯马师的母亲领养了孤儿拉雅,谁料拉雅因从小心灵受到重创,无法像常人一样感知亲情,时而出现过激举动,让母亲和姐姐十分困扰。在自己和养女之间,母亲做出了无私的决定。来自女性导演的作品以悬疑、惊悚类型片的方式探索母性这一永恒的话题。 -
939Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is exp -
252New Heroes, new alliances, new enemies – the battle is not over. Barbarians Season 2 with Jeanne Goursaud, Laurence Rupp, David Schütter and Daniel Do -
蛮战 第二季
16New Heroes, new alliances, new enemies – the battle is not over. Barbarians Season 2 with Jeanne Goursaud, Laurence Rupp, David Schütter and Daniel Do